2017 Laureate
Host Institution
Group Leader ICM & Inserm (CR1 Inserm)
Current position
Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, Paris ; INSERM, UPMC Paris-6, CNRS, France.
Diving in the brain and spinal cord of zebrafish larva
Claire Wyart and her research group investigate the role of sensory integration in the vertebrate spinal cord. The focus of the team is to study how external sensory inputs reflecting the environment as well as inner sensory inputs reflecting our physiological states modulate the activity of motor circuits. The team is interested to find out how inner physiological states can impact and control our locomotion and posture via a sensory motor loop present in the spinal cord and without our brain being necessarily involved. The team took advantage of the transparency of the zebrafish larva to conduct in vivo studies linking genes, to motor circuits and innate behaviors.
• PhD, Strasbourg University, Strasbourg, France, Drs. Didier Chatenay and Laurent Bourdieu, 2003
• Post Doc, University of California in Berkeley, Berkeley, Unites States, Prof. Noam Sobel, 2005-2006
• Post Doc, University of California in Berkeley, Berkeley, Unites States, Prof. Ehud Isacoff, 2006-2010
• Appointed Group Leader and CR1 INSERM Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, Paris, France, ICM & INSERM, 2011
• New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) Young Innovator Neuroscience Award, 2016
• National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grant, 2014
• Irene Joliot-Curie Prize, 2013
• Human Frontier Research Program Research Grant (Coordinator), 2013
• European Research Council Starting Grant, 2012
• Prize of the Bettencourt-Schueller Foundation, 2011
• Chair of Excellence of School of Neurosciences of Paris (ENP), 2011
Sensory neurons regulating movement!
Mar 2016
Claire Wyart : tête chercheuse
Dec 2015
Coordinator of the project Terma, a humanitarian science project implemented in Tibetan schools of Nepal and India, Défi Jeunes 2004
State-Dependent Modulation of Locomotion by GABAergic Spinal Sensory Neurons.
Dec 2015, Curr Biol.