
Franscesca Giordano

Current position

Research fellow at Inserm

Host Institution

Institute of Integrative Cell Biology (I2BC), UMR9198, Paris Sud/CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France


Non-vesicular lipid traffic at membrane contact sites

Francesca Giordano and her team work to figure out the role of membrane contact sites or nearby membrane attachment sites (at 10-30nm) in the transport of lipids between endoplasmic reticulum and other intracellular organelles. The exchange of non-vesicular lipids at membrane contact sites emerges as one of the key mechanisms in the maintenance of the distinct lipid composition of cell membranes. However, the mechanisms and proteins underlying these transport activities are still largely unknown.

Francesca Giordano’s team uses a combination of in situ imaging (using mammalian cells), biochemistry and acellular biophysics to study how lipids are exchanged at membrane contact sites (particularly endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria), and how these transport activities impact the morphology of organelles, as well as their function and dynamics.

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2007: PhD, Federico II University, Institute of Genetics and Telethon Medicine (TIGEM), Naples, Italy, Valeria Marigo's team
2008-2011: Post-doctoral fellow, Institut Curie, Paris, France, Graca Raposo team
2011-2013: Post-doctoral fellow, Yale University, New Haven, USA, Pietro de Camilli's team
2013: appointed Research Fellow (Inserm), Jacques Monod Institute, Paris, France, Cathy Jackson's team
2017: appointed Research Team Leader, Institut Intégratif de Biologie de la Cellule, Gif-sur-Yvette, France


- 2017: Winner of the ATIP-Avenir program
- 2014: Winner of the ANR Young Researcher Program
- 2014: Winner of the Marie Curie IGC programme