2004 Laureate
Current position
Professor, Chair of the Department of Genetics and Evolution
Host institution
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Genetic staining of vomeronasal subpopulations with defined functions.
We explore the molecular and cellular bases of the neural circuits that direct innate behaviors in mammals.
• 1996 Ph. D. in Biology, Genève University, Switzerland, Pierre Vassalli's lab
• 1997-2001 Post-doctoral fellow, The Rockefeller University, NYC, USA, Peter Mombaert's lab
• 2002 Appointed Professor, Genève University, Switzerland
Pourquoi perd-on de l’odorat en vieillissant ?
Avis d’expert
Avis d’expert
Semaine du Cerveau 2013
Neuronal pattern separation in the olfactory bulb improves odor discrimination learning.
Oct 2015, Nat Neurosci.