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11. Getting your work out : how to be prepared for a video interview


So, you have an opportunity to talk about your field of scientific expertise in the media and the pressure is on? Here are some things to keep in mind to best prepare for your interview and convey your passion to the public!

Tips and Resources

Make your mark on Youtube as a scientist: Maynard, A. (2021).

How to Succeed as an Academic on Youtube. Frontiers in Communication, February, 1–9. 

Available here

Benefits and drawbacks of the science video landscape, and media and scientific literacy:

Rosenthal, S. (2020). Media Literacy, Scientific Literacy, and Science Videos on the Internet.

Frontiers in Communication, 5(September), 1–7. 

Available here

Communication strategies specifically available to researchers: Smith, A. A. (2020).

Broadcasting Ourselves:

Opportunities for Researchers to Share Their Work Through Online Video.

Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8(August). 

Available here


Bienvenido, L., & Bourk, M. (2018).

Communicating Science and Technology Through Online Video: Researching a New Media Phenomenon.

Routledge & CRC Press.

 Available here

Chan, G. (2017, October 23-27).

Low Cost Film Making [Course]. Évora, Portugal.

Nelson, R., & Stenstrom, J. (2019). Untamed Science. 

Available here

Olson, R. (2018). Don’t Be Such a Scientist, Second Edition. Island Press. 

Available here

Vachon, R. (2018). Science Videos.

Available here

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Centre for Functionall Ecology University of Coimbra
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University of Coimbra (V)
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University of Tirana


Conceptors & writers :


M. Ferreira, PhD student, Researcher and Science Communicator, Centre for Functional Ecology, University of Coimbra, Portugal, EuroScitizen WG4 member

R. Ponce, PhD, Science Writer, Invited Professor at Polytecnic Institute of Setúbal, Portugal, EuroScitizen WG4 vice-leader

R. Branquinho, PhD, Researcher and Science Manager, University of Porto – Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Portugal, EuroScitizen WG4 Member


H.D. Dufour, PhD, Director Le Cercle FSER, France, EuroScitizen WG5 leader

F. Bilak, Project Manager at Le Cercle FSER, France, EuroScitizen WG5 member

M. Varga, PhD, Associate Professor, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary; EuroScitizen WG4&5 member

S. Ambrósio, PhD, Researcher, CIDTFF –University of Aveiro, Portugal, EuroScitizen WG5 Vice-Leader

L. Martinelli, PhD, Senior Researcher, MUSE – Science museum, Trento, Italy, EuroScitizen WG3&5 vice-leader


Logo creator :


E. Pelc, Communication Manager at Le Cercle FSER, France

Translators :


A. Bajrami, PhD, Researcher, University of Tirana, Albania, EuroScitizen WG4 Member

F. Bilak, Project Manager at Le Cercle FSER, France, EuroScitizen WG5 member

A. Bilbao, Researcher

R. Branquinho, PhD, Researcher and Science Manager, University of Porto – Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Portugal, EuroScitizen WG4 Member

E. Butkeviciene, PhD, Researcher, Kaunas University of Technology

H.D. Dufour, PhD, Director, Le Cercle FSER, France, EuroScitizen WG5 leader

R.M. Dvorakova, PhD, Researcher, Charles University, Czech Republic, EuroScitizen WG1 and WG2 member

V. Janstova, PhD, Researcher, Charles University, Czech Republic

M.J. Fonseca, PhD, Head of Communication, Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto, Portugal

M. Kapetanakis, Researcher

L. Martinelli, PhD, Senior Researcher, MUSE – Science museum, Trento, Italy, EuroScitizen WG3&5 member

L. Mecklenburg, PhD candidate, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

F. Miri, PhD, Researcher, University of Tirana, Albania, EuroScitizen

P. Pessoa, PhD student with an FCT grant, CIDTFF-University of Aveiro, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal, EuroScitizen WG2 Member

D. Radovčić, PhD, senior curator, Croatian Natural History Museum, Croatia, EuroScitizen WG3&5 member

G. Realdon, PhD, independent researcher, University of Camerino, Italy, EuroScitizen WG2 member

M. Siani, PhD, Weizmann Institute of Science;Herzog College, Israel

M. Varga, PhD, Associate Professor, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary; EuroScitizen WG4&5 member

Ö. Yahyaoğlu, PhD candidate, Akdeniz University, Turkey, EuroScitizen WG5 Member

I. Yruela, PhD, Research scientist at Estación Experimental de Aula Dei- CSIC, Spain; EuroScitizen WG1,4&5 Member